Saturday, 16 March 2013

3D Sketchup Models

I have chosen to model Bronzing and Argo. However, I have made a few design alterations (mainly due to a lack of sketchup technical skills) but I really appreciate what I have done.

My Section Drawings

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Meet My Experiment 1 Clients

Jiro Ono
Noun: Rice
Verb: Slice
Adjective: Colourful

Antonio Stradivari
 Noun: Pochette
Verb: Arco
Adjective: Tiger Stripe

Shinya Kimura
Noun: Machine
Verb: Bronzing
Adjective: Motion

An Original Photograph of Something Beautiful

First of all, sorry. I realise that I have chosen more then one image (three to be exact) but photography is my shtick so I couldn't choose just one. Top left; is my close friend enjoying the many rock formations along one of Sydney's many harbor beaches. I feel like it really captures her (and my other friends') enjoyment and love for the harbor, especially on those hot summers days where we just laze on the foreshore, this brings me onto my two other photos. Without sounding too generic, I think that Sydney is the most beautiful city in the world. Where else can you live 5 minuets from a harbor, 5 minuets from a world renowned beach, whilst having amazing views due to the beautiful crests and troughs that is the many hills of Sydney. it makes for an enjoyable and lively place (which even has the best fireworks in the world).

Monday, 4 March 2013

A Great Piece of Architecture

Situated through Mt. Herzel, just below the Israeli military cemetery, stands Moshe Safdie's Yad Vashem museum encapsulates (for me) what great architecture is all about; form, function, and connection. Form relates the the use and adaptation of shapes (in this case, a triangular prism) that bows out to represent the uncertainty of the future and looking forward to what is to come. as it is a museum the architect has cleverly designed a 'zigzaging' path through the prism and the surrounding underground galleries, thus breaking up the space  into differing rooms that relate to a timeline of holocaust related events. Lastly, Safdie has cleverly connected the museum directly to the people and the event that it represents as shown above.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Best Piece of art work Before Coming to Arch 1101

This was my HSC Visual Arts major work, it comprises of bottles that are formed from latex molds and epoxy resin with an image suspended within. each represents an emotion and/or a method of release for an emotion. together they are "bottled up emotions" in an "emotional storm".